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Committed to Excellence

High School’s First AP Summer Institute Focuses on Student Achievement

Islip High School students during course. thumbnail263030

One of the new initiatives this school year at Islip High School was the implementation of its first AP Summer Institute. Students entering ninth through 12th grades were invited to participate in a five-day, 10-hour course designed to provide them with the skills needed to be successful in their Advanced Placement classes. Eighty-five students participated in all or part of the course offered last August at Islip High School, where they were introduced to course material as well as strategies to support their learning.

In October, at roughly the midpoint of the quarter, students were invited again to meet as a group with administrators to reflect on their experience in AP courses to date. Additionally, students were asked to provide feedback about which aspects of the institute were helpful and what could be offered to support future cohorts of students.

“Taking the AP summer prep class made me feel more comfortable and at ease with taking multiple AP classes,” senior Jailany Pacheco said.
 “The Institute prepared me with study skills that have been useful to me,” sophomore Jacob Secor said.

The students will be invited to meet with administrators again at midyear and the end of the school year to discuss ways to enhance and support student learning in AP courses.

“When I first suggested last spring that we consider offering this type of program to students taking AP courses, I never dreamed that it would be so well received and so well attended,” Principal Dr. Lara Gonzalez said. “I am grateful to our curriculum administrators in English (Barbara Wagner), mathematics (John Ferrito), science and technology (Dan Oggeri) and social studies (Dr. Robert Drysielski) for their willingness to implement a brand-new summer program at Islip High School. The curriculum administrators planned lessons to support students and provided instruction.”

“The AP Summer Institute proved to be a game-changer for our students, giving them the tools, resources and confidence they needed to excel in advanced coursework,” Dr. Drysielski said. “By offering targeted support before the school year began, students entered their AP classes with a stronger foundation and a deeper understanding of the material.”

Date Added: 12/9/2024