Infinite Campus Portal

Have an Activation Code? Create your account here
Reset Password Application – Use this form if you have not set up your security preferences and have forgotten your password.
Solicitud de Restablecimiento de Contrasena – Utilice este formulario si no
ha configurado sus preferencias de seguridad y ha olvidado su
Parent Portal
What is Parent Portal?
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal allows authorized parents/guardians to access student-related information about their children. Once you have activated your online account, you can use the portal to view your child’s:
• Attendance
• Schedule
• NYS test assessment scores – Grades 3-12
• Immunization records
• Current year progress reports and report cards
• District and School notices
• Teacher Newsletters and notices
• Teacher grade book (view grades, assignments, tests, quizzes, etc.) - Grades 6-12
Click here if you already have a Parent Portal Account and enter your User Name and Password.