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Committed to Excellence

A Rewarding Writing Experience for Students at Sherwood

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Maud S. Sherwood Elementary School recently held its first buildingwide writing celebration, which was a huge success and a great opportunity for students to share their written voice.

The event kicked off with words of encouragement from Principal Briana James and ELA Coordinator Barbara Wagner, as well as student representatives from each grade level, who were able to share what they learned as writers with their classmates. The latter included ideas and statements such as “I learned the importance of showing, not telling,” “I learned to create a hook that would be interesting to my reader” and “I learned to revise, revise, revise.” Every student in grades 2 through 5 completed their first writing unit and published pieces that were shared during the workshop.

“Our writing celebration wasn’t just a way to acknowledge the hard work that went into writing their current pieces, but it also reminded our young writers of everything they learned over the past few months, highlighting the value of having a growth mindset,” James said. “Our writers proudly presented various aspects of their work to their peers, classroom teachers, special area teachers, support staff, administrators, and even to our school nurse and our custodian. Congratulations to all students and teachers who made this celebration, and all the days leading up to it, such a valuable and rewarding experience for all. We are looking forward to continuing our growth as writers and can’t wait until our next celebration!”

Date Added: 11/30/2022