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Committed to Excellence

Promoting Prune Belly Syndrome Awareness at the HS

Promoting Prune Belly Syndrome Awareness at the HS thumbnail103330

The high school hosted a Prune Belly Syndrome Awareness Day on Oct. 26 in honor of student Malik Ellis, who was born with the rare disease and needs a kidney transplant. The date was chosen to coincide with Red Ribbon Week, which promotes healthy life choices, and it included a mini health fair during lunch periods and guest speakers from the Prune Belly Syndrome Network visiting health classes.

Staff and students wore Prune Belly Syndrome Awareness shirts during the day. Leading up to the event, the school’s Junior Chamber of Commerce Club sold T-shirts, bracelets and breakfast items. The proceeds – along with accompanying raffle basket sales – will be donated to the Prune Belly Syndrome Network and Malik’s health care expenses.

Among his supporters at the event were representatives of the Long Island Rail Road. This past May, Ellis and his family were given a one-day “behind the scenes” tour of the LIRR and its operations, including a meeting with the LIRR’s president, after he had expressed his lifelong dream to work for the railroad.